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Michelle Marie Sawtell

Available on All Streaming Platforms

This song holds a very special place in my heart. It was written back in 2014 when I was going through a really though time. I had just got divorced and was experiencing so much heart ache and uncertainty, yet at the same time I was excited about being on my own again and what the future had in store for me. Holding onto my faith and tuning in my higher self helped me find my way. I was determined to keep my heart open and be true to myself. I followed my heart and never looked back. This song is a reminder to stay strong in times of challenge, to stay true to yourself with an open heart and to stand in your power!


To bring this song to life I teamed up with multi instrumentalist producer Van Gordon Martin of G Love & the Juice & Organically Good Trio, drummer Jeff Allison who has played with Vapors of Morphine, legendary harmonica player Jim Fitting of Treat Her Right, The The & Session Americana, and masterful engineer Will Holland of Chillhouse Studios in Boston MA. This amazing line up created a powerful fusion of true Americana Vibes and we hope you Dig it! 

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